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The journalists/photographers are issued with official passes which authorise them to access playing venues and pressers. This of idea is to enable them to obtain clear action photographs, videos and content; however, at no time can the photographers place themselves in a position, which is a danger to them or to the competitors.

KVF will create designated special media interview areas for journalists during tournaments.

If the Marshals consider that the photographers and journalists are in an authorized location, then he must ask the them to move to a designated location.

Media safety and identification

  1. It is acknowledged that the media play an important role in KVF events, and each member of the working media must be permitted to carry out his or her work in the best possible conditions.
  2. However, the media are not exempt from having to respect general safety rules. In general, this should not interfere with their ability to perform their duties. However, if a choice has to be made between carrying out their work and being exposed to an unacceptable level of risk, safety must always take precedence

Only media representatives with press passes will be permitted in those designated  areas on the venue to which spectators are not normally admitted.

Volleyball Media Guidelines

Any filming and photography media wearing a tabard must ensure that it is clearly visible at all times, and is not covered by any other garment.

UNDERTAKING - I declare that I am over 18 years of age and agree to follow the instructions of officials of the Kenya Volleyball Federation at all times. I declare that I am physically and mentally fit to carry out my journalistic function and will inform the organisers should my condition change. I understand the nature and type of competition and that while carrying out my duties I may be exposed to the risks inherent in motor sports and agree to carry out my duties with proper regard for my own safety and that of others.

NO ACCREDITATION CAN BE COLLECTED WITHOUT THIS DOCUMENT.  (KVF reserves the right to accept or refuse any accreditation request)

Please Attach Passport Photo and Copy MCK Card